Certainly. Very few people of high school age, or even college age, will know what they want to do for an occupation for the rest of their lives. Some of our students may decide to make the naval service their career after they are in it for a while, but there is no long- term obligation to do so.
Our purpose is to train college students for leadership roles as commissioned officers in the Navy and Marine Corps.
The scholarship covers full tuition and mandatory school fees. In addition each scholarship student receives: uniforms; $375 towards books each semester; and $250 - $400 per month subsistence allowance. The NROTC pays for scholarship students’ initial transportation from home to school and from home to summer cruise training.
No. Those expenses must be borne by the individual families. Students who find that room and board payments represent a financial hardship should investigate financial aid programs.
We have two categories of students. Our scholarship students are obligated for five years of active duty after graduation. They accept the obligation at the beginning of the sophomore year. Our College Program (non-scholarship) students are obligated for three years of active duty after graduation. They accept the obligation at the beginning of their junior year.
Correct. Scholarship students have a year, and College Program students have two years to experience the NROTC program before they have to decide whether to remain in the program and incur the obligation, or to leave the program without obligation.
Most of our students, male and female, will graduate as “line officers”. That means that they will be expected to go on to further training in aviation, submarines, or conventional or nuclear powered surface ships. Those who choose (and are accepted for) the Marine Corps can go into aviation or a variety of ground officer assignments.
Yes. Assignments are made on the basis of the student’s choices, qualifications, performance and needs of the Navy. Scholarship status is not a factor in the assignment process.
Most likely. At the beginning of the senior year, fall semester, our students state their duty preferences, and most will get their first choice of duty. There are some prerequisites, such as being physically qualified for aviation, and having adequate calculus and physics grades and a good GPA for nuclear powered ships and submarines.
The Navy does not give such a guarantee. However, experience has shown that a solid academic performance at Arizona State University, and high scores on the aviation aptitude exam, plus being physically qualified for aviation, will give a Midshipman an excellent chance of getting aviation. The Marine Corps does offer flight guarantees, which can be granted by meeting the requirements any time up to 90 days before graduation.
A few top students are selected each year to go on to graduate school, but the vast majority of Midshipmen are expected to enter the military after graduation. Keep in mind, though, that the Navy and Marine Corps have their own Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, and you will be eligible for assignment there after your first three or four years of active duty. This will enable you to obtain a graduate degree in the field of your choice while receiving full pay.
This is a common occurrence in the engineering and technical majors. If the student has a solid academic record and has taken an average of at least 16 - 18 credits per semester excluding naval science classes, then they have a good chance of being awarded Fifth Year Benefits. Students apply for Fifth Year Benefits during their junior or senior year.
Yes. You will seek approval for study abroad programs through the NROTC unit.
Maybe. At this time, a maximum of 25 NROTC Midshipmen nationwide receive permission to apply to medical school each year. If admitted to medical school, they attend immediately following graduation. Under this program, students begin to serve their obligation following their residency. To enter this program, the student must gain acceptance into a medical school. Once again, outstanding academic performance or lack thereof will be the greatest enabler or barrier for this goal.
No, but we encourage you to keep in mind that NSTC will favor technical majors (Tier 1 and Tier 2 majors) when awarding scholarships. Those who major in non-technical subjects will have to take a few technical courses, namely calculus and physics, to prepare them for the technological environment that they will encounter in their military service. These technical courses, even for non-tech majors, will usually count toward degree requirements because all majors require some math and science course work.
It depends. If you desire to attempt a more technical major or move laterally then you will be able to change majors without issue. Examples of the above would be Physics changing to Mechanical Engineering (move up) and an Electrical Engineer becoming a Mechanical Engineer (lateral move). A few students each year will be allowed to change majors to a less technical major, an example would be Nuclear Radiological Engineering to Management. A board will be held in Pensacola, FL twice a year to determine which students will be approved for a change of major to a less technical degree.
Probably not. The student will have the choice of remaining on scholarship in their assigned major or changing majors and transferring to college program status.
NROTC students take, on average, two Naval Science courses per year, one each in the Fall and Spring semesters. All Navy/Marine option scholarship students must take one course in american military history/national security policy. All Navy option students are required to take two courses in english composition. Additionally, scholarship students (not including Marine option students) must take two semesters of calculus and two semesters of physics.
Arizona State University provides free professional tutoring in all subjects including calculus and physics. Additionally, we require all incoming freshmen and anyone struggling academically to participate in weekly study hours. Each Midshipman is assigned to a class advisor. The class advisor is an active duty Lieutenant who also provides advice about school and NROTC while keeping the big picture in mind. The advisor will make sure each Midshipman is tracking along in their major and NROTC requirements.
In most respects, it is the same. Marine option students are not required to take calculus and physics courses. Marine option students may take different Naval Science courses in their sophomore, junior and senior years, and in the summer after their junior year they take part in the Officer Candidate School (OCS) training program “BULLDOG” at Quantico, Virginia. Our Marine Officer Instructor guides them in their development, and upon graduation they are commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the U.S. Marine Corps.
There are three different cruises. The first summer cruise, after the freshman year, gives all scholarship students the chance to learn about the four basic “line officer” specialties. The students spend one week at each of four locations to receive indoctrination in aviation, submarine, surface ships, and Marine Corps amphibious operations. The second summer cruise, which all scholarship students take after the sophomore year, is aboard either a surface ship or submarine (student’s choice) and is geared toward experiencing the Navy from an enlisted viewpoint. The summer cruise after the junior year provides junior officer training aboard ships, submarines or with an aircraft squadron for the Navy students, and at the Marine Corps Base at Quantico, Virginia for the Marine Corps students. College Program students complete one summer training cruise; their cruise is the same as their scholarship student counterparts’ after the junior year.
Our students travel all over the world on cruises. The Navy pays for travel expenses from school or your home to the cruise site and your return to home each summer. Our juniors have many options available to them. They can request Aircraft Carrier or Patrol Squadron cruises and special training with Navy Seals. They may also request a foreign exchange cruise for their final summer. Each year, several of our students take summer cruises aboard ships of a foreign Navy. Students may have the opportunity to visit Norfolk, VA, Mayport, FL, Pensacola, FL, King’s Bay, GA, San Diego, CA, Everett, WA, Pearl Harbor, HI, Yokosuka, Japan, Guam, Saipan, Singapore, Panama and other locations.
Yes. NROTC and Academy graduates have identical opportunities to go into the fields of their choice. When it comes time to state duty preferences and to be selected for duty assignments, students with higher academic and aptitude rankings, regardless of where they go to school, will have equal opportunity to receive their first choice of assignments.
No. NROTC Midshipmen are only required to wear the uniform on Tuesday's leadership lab. Lab may consist of military formation, classroom sessions, general briefings, guest speakers, or swim training.
No. Each student makes his or her own arrangements with ASU for housing. Students may live in university dormitories, nearby apartments or with family off-campus.
Start the process by the beginning of you high school senior year. The Navy Recruiting Command and Headquarters, Marine Corps accept and process all NROTC scholarship applications. Go to https://www.nrotc.navy.mil/ to start the application process. The Navy Recruiting Command or Headquarters, Marine Corps will notify you of the results of the scholarship selection board.
If you are currently a freshmen, you will enter the NROTC program as a “College Program” (non-scholarship) student. You can apply for a three-year scholarship at the end of your freshman year. The staff at the NROTC will assist you in preparing the application. If you receive a scholarship and accept it, you incur the same obligation as a four-year scholarship student entering their sophomore year. Due to the minimum requirement of 6 semesters (3 years) of participation in the program to gain a commission, you will most likely be unable to join the program after the start of your sophomore year. The ASU NROTC unit only accepts new students in the beginning of the school year (FALL semester).
The scholarship selection process is completely independent of the medical examination. Scholarship selection is based on academic performance, extracurricular activities, and demonstrated leadership potential. You can be selected as a scholarship nominee even before you take the medical exam; but, of course, it cannot be awarded to you until you have passed the medical exam. The importance of completing and passing the medical exam cannot be over-emphasized. It is up to you to do all you can to complete the medical exam in a timely fashion. If follow-on exams or inputs from your local doctor are required, then you must ensure you meet these requirements.
That depends on the nature of the problem. Some problems, such as minor eye corrections, can be waived. Some problems, such as having had certain childhood diseases, or a family history of diabetes, can cloud your medical record to the point that additional medical evidence may be required to substantiate your qualification. Unless you are told that your condition is absolutely disqualifying, you should do all that you can to obtain medical certification. Letters from family doctors or your local specialists can help to show that your condition should not be disqualifying. When in doubt, ask for a medical waiver. These issues should be addressed with DoDMERB and the NSTC medical board. DO NOT send medical documentation to the local unit.
Marine Option students are required to pass a physical fitness exam to be eligible for scholarship selection. Navy Option students do not take this exam as a prerequisite to selection. Once in the NROTC program, all Midshipmen are required to pass a semi-annual physical fitness assessment, which, for Navy option students, consists of push-ups, sit-ups, and a 1.5 mile run. All Midshipmen are encouraged to seek excellence in their physical fitness, and to do more than the minimums in their fitness tests. Marine Option students take a slightly different test that consists of pull-ups, sit-ups, and a 3 mile run.
Maybe, but not through the process previously described. Students can become eligible for the award of a scholarship by joining their NROTC Unit in the College Program (non- scholarship) status. After one academic term, the student may be recommended for scholarship status to the Chief of Naval Education and Training, who is empowered to award scholarships to promising College Program students. The board is looking for students who excel academically, physically and professionally. In general, a student should aim to earn above a 3.5 GPA to be competitive. The minimum required GPA is 2.5 to be eligible for a scholarship. The availability of these “side-load” scholarships is dependent on the officer production needs of the Navy and NROTC budget.
Commitment levels vary but at least eight hours a week. In addition to your required Naval Science class each semester, there is one two-hour leadership lab session and one morning of drill or uniform inspection per week. You may be asked to devote about one to two days or nights per month in required activities. The battalion conducts unit level physical fitness training at least two mornings per week for one-hour. Marine option students conduct physical fitness training on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There are a number of NROTC extra-curricular activities available to you if you are interested. We sponsor formal and informal dinners, parties, BBQs, and other get-togethers. Many of these activities are voluntary.
NROTC scholarship midshipmen are given the same status as “inactive reservists”. You will get a “reserve” military ID card, but you will be a civilian during all but the summer training cruise periods of your curriculum. The summer training is performed in an active duty “reserve” status.
No. The scholarship selection process is TOTALLY INDEPENDENT of the Arizona State University admission process. You must seek admission to ASU or some other NROTC host university. Remember that the NROTC scholarship cannot be awarded to you until you have been accepted for admission at an NROTC host school. It is a good idea for NROTC scholarship applicants to apply to more than one NROTC host school to ensure acceptance to at least one NROTC host school.
No. The same personal characteristics and academic credentials are considered in scholarship selection and in Arizona State University admission. Selection for a scholarship is a good indication that you may be selected for admission; but it is neither guaranteed nor implied. The NROTC scholarship committee might place more emphasis on leadership potential as evidenced in extra-curricular athletics or school government activities. The university might place more emphasis on academic achievement.
Yes. The NROTC scholarship selection board will consider the “whole person”, including grades, class standing, athletics, participation in extra-curricular activities, recommendations, interview results, and perceived potential. We are looking for the future leaders of the Navy and Marine Corps. We want well rounded students who are intelligent enough to excel in academics, athletic enough to meet the physical challenges of military service, and who are personable and dynamic enough to assume roles as military leaders. It is not enough to be only bright, or only athletic, or only personable. It takes a combination of the three qualities to be a successful Naval Officer. Officer candidates must also be of high moral character. Students with criminal records or who have gone beyond experimentation with illegal drugs are not likely officer candidates. Take care in selecting those who will provide written recommendations for you. If a candidate is depicted as being an average run-of-the-mill student, it will detract from the board’s assessment of the individual. The application interview with your local recruiter is also vitally important. Look sharp and present yourself well.
You should wait until after you are notified of selection as a scholarship nominee, and then write to the Naval Education and Training Command (Code N1/081), Naval Air Station, Pensacola, FL 32508 advising them of your new first-choice school. The instructions for this will be included in your scholarship award letter.
The naval science curriculums at each school are nearly identical. If there are any differences among NROTC Units, they are due to the customs and traditions of the Units, and the personalities of the Unit Staffs, and even the Midshipmen in those Units. The exceptions to this rule are military schools (e.g. SUNY Maritime, Maine Maritime, Texas Maritime, The Citadel, VMI, etc.) and schools with a “corps of cadets” (e.g. Texas A&M and Virginia Tech). You should narrow your choices down to a few, and then visit those campuses (and their NROTC Units) if possible to help you make the final decision.
The NROTC staff is composed of active duty Navy and Marine Corps officers and enlisted personnel. The Naval Science courses are taught by the staff officers. These same officers will double as your NROTC class advisors, providing guidance and assistance, as necessary, in your academic and military pursuits.
There are several reasons and circumstances for leaving the NROTC program. There is no obligation at all if you quit before the sophomore year. If, after the start of the sophomore year, you decide to quit, you will either have to pay back tuition expended, or go on active military service in enlisted status immediately if you drop out of college, or upon graduation if you stay in college. If a medical problem develops that would preclude you from commissioning, then the obligation would most likely be erased. If you drop from the program because of your own misconduct or inaptitude, you could be required to reimburse the Navy for your tuition and book expenditures at the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy.
You can attempt to change from one option to the other, but it is not automatic. You must request the change, and both Navy and Marine Corps officials must approve it. The change of option has become increasingly difficult in recent years. Even though it may be a difficult decision right out of high school, students are encouraged to do their research and decide on the option they feel best suits their personal interests and professional goals up front, rather than attempt to change options later on.
No. The orientation, which is optional but strongly recommended, is run by the upperclass midshipmen and supervised by the NROTC Unit staff. We stress the need for discipline and teamwork, and some people have to adjust their attitude a bit. Orientation is certainly less stressful compared to a real boot- camp, the thirteen weeks of officer candidate school, or to what the service academy freshmen go through for their entire first year. It is also an excellent opportunity to get to know your freshmen classmates before school starts.
An NROTC Midshipman is a civilian, pursuing his or her own academic degree in a normal university environment, in the same manner as a non-Midshipman would. The only difference is that Midshipman takes a series of Naval Science courses, and he or she wears a uniform to class twice a week. Midshipmen are allowed to participate in sports, join fraternities or sororities (with NROTC advisor approval), and enjoy all aspects of campus life. We ask that our students understand that the service requires a higher standard of our members than you may witness other students displaying. All NROTC midshipmen are required to follow the law (including alcohol consumption prior to reaching the age of 21). Our offices and classrooms are just like all other offices and classrooms on campus. You will blend in with and participate in the campus activities of your choice. When you graduate, you will serve with pride as a Navy or Marine Corps officer.
You do not know, and neither did any of us who are in the military now. You have to join the program and experience it for yourself. That’s why the first year is without obligation. We are looking for intelligent and physically fit men and women of high moral character who can be trained to assume positions of leadership and great responsibility in the Navy and Marine Corps. If you fit that description then you may be a good fit for the NROTC program and for the service.