What is Naval ROTC?

What is Naval ROTC?

The Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) Program was established to educate and train young men and women for service as commissioned officers in the Navy or Marine Corps. As the largest single source of Navy and Marine Corps officers, the NROTC Program fills a vital need in preparing mature, young men and women for leadership and management positions in an increasingly technical Navy and Marine Corps. NROTC commissions Ensigns and 2nd Lieutenants into the following communities:

  • Aviation
  • Surface Warfare
  • Submarine Warfare
  • Special Warfare (i.e. Navy SEAL and Explosive Ordnance Disposal)

What does the program consist of?

The program consists of multiple 3 credit hour university level Naval Science classes ranging from an introduction to Naval Science, Navy/Marine Corps History, navigation, engineering, amphibious warfare, Leadership and Ethics. Navy Leadership Lab is held every Tuesday for two hours where general military training and field meets are held, current events are discussed and training for the fleet is conducted. Physical fitness is held 3 days a week at 0545. There are multiple opportunities to get involved in the color guard, drill teams, volunteering and mentoring also. During weekly instruction, summer training periods and in specified naval science classes, midshipmen wear uniforms furnished by the government and must conduct themselves in a military manner.

How can I participate?

There are two ways to participate, either through a scholarship or college program.

4 Year National Scholarship

The scholarship is a highly competitive selection process that starts 18 months prior to the start of undergraduate studies, generally mid junior year of high school. Selected applicants receive full tuition, book allowance and a monthly stipend at many of the country's leading colleges and universities. This National scholarship is available to college freshmen who have not completed more than 30 credit hours at any college or university (AP course credits, etc. do not count towards the 30). The majority of applicants for this scholarship are seniors in high school. For more information and to begin the scholarship process, visit http://www.nrotc.navy.mil/.

NROTC scholarship selectees are appointed midshipmen, U.S. Naval Reserve, by the Secretary of the Navy and are granted compensation and benefits authorized by law for four years of undergraduate study. Under certain conditions, midshipmen may become eligible for up to one additional year of scholarship compensation and benefits. Scholarship midshipmen also embark on summer training during all three summers while in the program. Selection boards for these scholarships start convening in August of the year prior to college enrollment and conclude in January for fall enrollment. It is best to get your application in early which will increase your likelihood of finding out whether you have been selected.

The College Program

If you were not selected for a 4 year scholarship, recently learned about NROTC or a current student with more than 6 semesters remaining, you can participate in the College Program. The program curriculum is exactly the same, scholarship or college program, the only difference is that "College Programmers" do not receive any financial benefits. After becoming a “college programmer,” you can compete for a three and two-year NROTC scholarship after at least one semester of involvement in the unit. College programmers who receive these three or two-year scholarships and are entitled to full tuition and student fee payment, a tax-free living stipend and a semester book stipend in addition to other great benefits just as if they received a 4 year scholarship right out of high school. College Program applications are submitted to and reviewed by the staff directly at Arizona State NROTC rather that going to a national board.

What do I need to know right now?

1) You must be admitted to the university AND to the NROTC program by either the scholarship process or the college program application. ACCEPTANCE BY ONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE ACCEPTANCE BY THE OTHER! You must apply to both, separately.

2) There are minimum standards to apply for the the scholarship and the college program. Consult http://www.nrotc.navy.mil/ for the most current scholarship requirements for submission. To apply to the ASU NROTC College Program all prospective midshipmen must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • United States citizen (either native-born or naturalized)
  • At least 17-years-old. Have a high school diploma or equivalent qualification
  • No prior convictions or drug usage
  • Have a 2.5 or greater high school GPA
  • Meet or exceed the mandated minimum SAT or ACT scores listed below:
    • SAT Reading 550, Math 550 or Composite: 1000
    • ACT English and Math 21 or Composite: 21

Sound good? Ready to begin your journey?

If you're ready to get started, click on the "How to Apply" tab, under "Prospective Students" above and follow the directions.

What if I have fewer than 6 semesters remaining?

If you are in your junior or senior year of college and are interested in becoming an officer, all hope is not lost. Refer your questions to your local Officer Recruiter to learn more about Officer Candidate School.

I have more questions...

See the Frequently Asked Questions tab above to answer the most common questions we receive.